The Timeria System
The Timeria System, officially designated as ISIS-[406,820,-43]-EC8.1.2210, is among the latest of the boom systems along the rim of Earth space. Until 2208 it was largely unexplored and simply classified as a rather unimpressive G type stellar system and left for later expeditions. On the eighth of January 2210 (Earth calender) the deep space Explorer ship Tiberius began a close mapping of the system during primary jumpgate construction and found a system which is, even now, presenting new challenges and rewards. The current focus of major corporate development is the water world of Atlantis, where a number of spaceports and communications centres form the basis for an expanding colonisation and exploration effort.
The initial mapping phase took a little over a year and a half with a total complement of 10 major planetary bodies, 3 asteroids belts and well over 100 moons and smaller planetary bodies identified and charted to date. The system is divided into roughly 2 sections separated by the asteroid rings. Between the Timerian sun and the inner asteroid belt, known as the Tiberian Belt, lie the worlds of Barnes, Avalon and Atlantis - collectively known as the Tiberian Worlds as they were the first to be mapped. In the expanse between the Tiberian Belt and the second asteroid belt are the gas giants of Garria, Tulphen, Hyperion and Rel-Bareth, two of which feature in the ISIS logs as being among the largest in any of the Rim systems. The second asteroid belt, known as the Gate of Ice, marks the inner edge of the band of ice worlds called Karrac, Dark Valhalla and Ragnarök beyond which lie the uncharted asteroids of the Dark Belt.
Current trends in this system suggest the strong possibility that, once the necessary infrastructure has been established on Atlantis and Avalon, it will become a major trading and administration centre for the local sector and possibly a number of close Rim sectors.
Innermost of the Tiberian worlds, this planet is similar in size and appearance to Mars in the Sol system but it has no substantial atmosphere. It was named after Lieutenant Samuel Barnes, late navigation officer on the Explorer ship Tiberius, who died in a freak hull breach accident during the first weeks of the mapping of the system. It's proximity to Timeria produces similar radiation and heat hazards to those encountered on Mercury. These problems are partially offset by the fact that it's orbit is synchronous - it's sidereal and rotational periods match nearly perfectly - so that Barnes always presents the same face to the Timerian sun. Initial surveys show that Barnes contains large deposits of rare elements and a number of mining companies have started construction of detailed surveying facilities on the dark side of Barnes.
Avalon is a world of extremes - huge areas of volcanic activity cover over 30% of the surface but, outside these areas, the planet is cold and dark. Current theories and investigations suggest that Avalon once had a breathable oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere and large areas of liquid water but an impact with a large object, possibly an asteroid, seriously disrupted the planetary ecosystem and sparked a chain of volcanic events which have created a thick dust layer in the upper atmosphere. Physically about the same size as Earth, Avalon is currently the focus of a major terraforming effort by a joint Earth and Mogensen team which is intended to stabilise the planet and induce melting of the vast icecaps, which now contain a large quantity of the planet's original water. While only in it's early phase, the progress has been remarkable and it is expected that it will be possible to begin selective introduction of specially altered plants within 2 years.
Almost 85% of the surface of the Mars-sized world of Atlantis is covered by liquid water oceans, only 3 landmasses stand clear of the water and these are fairly barren. Complex life has not evolved on the landmasses of Atlantis but the seas teem with numerous forms of life, ranging from plankton-like creatures to multicellular organisms of equivalent complexity to fish in Earth's oceans. The largest area of clear land, the Carston Plateau, is the centre of much of the surface development and the site of the two major spaceports which serve the construction industry. As land is fairly scarce, and most of the resources found to date lie under the oceans, Atlantis is one of the first worlds where the majority of construction has been done under water. From the Carston Plateau a number of sealed and pressurised transport tubes lead out under the surface to the subsurface domes forming the cities of Shallows, Aquarius, Neptune and Deepfall. The sea floor around the Carston Plateau is fairly shallow, often only reaching 400 to 500m deep for an average distance of 80km around the Plateau, so the construction of Shallows, Aquarius and Neptune has been largely based on techniques used during the construction of the land domes on Mars, although stronger materials have been used to withstand the pressure of water. Deepfall is the most recently constructed dome, only opened for general use in 2258, and it has been designed along very different lines to it's neighbours. A number of structural problems encountered during the construction of Neptune, the largest of the first three domes, resulted in the introduction of the support towers which form a ring inside the dome. The towers support the dome in such a way that the central section of the dome experiences similar stresses to those encountered during the construction of Neptune. This allows the dome above Deepfall to be nearly 50% bigger. The towers house a complex array of load bearing systems and stress monitors allowing Deepfall to occupy a location right on the edge of the undersea shelf. Access to and from the domes is provided by a number of sea locks and the surface link transport tubes as well as a network of underground tunnels which link the domes.
Work has recently commenced on the latest dome, Canyon, which is being constructed over a natural gash in the underseas shelf. The intention is to seal a portion of the canyon under the dome, remove the water and then construct the city in the canyon walls. Officially, the Canyon dome is expected to be completed in 2270 but some estimates place the completion date to 5 or 10 years later than this.
As with all asteroid belts the density of the Tiberian Belt varys wildly depending on the location and time of observation. On average the belt contains around 300 asteroids of significant size per Earth standard AU but there are occasions when some areas can contain more than 1000 asteroids per AU. The Tiberian belt is a fairly normal accretion-disc remnant with a wide spread of silicate, carbonaceous and metallic asteroids. A number of small mining ships make periodic trips in the belt but the only permanent settlement is on TC-Entropy, a small dock-capable ship in stable orbit over one of the largest asteroids called Pallanaus.
Garria is approximately 8 times the size of Jupiter in the Sol system and it appears to have very narrowly avoided becoming a second star in the Timeria system. If it had approximately 4% more mass the nuclear reaction at it's core would have become self sustaining. Even today there are periodic bursts of extremely high levels of heat and radiation emitted by Garria that appear to be caused by gravitational forces sparking short lived nuclear events deep inside the planet. Like the majority of gas giants, Garria has a large number of moons and companion planetoids, however it lacks any form of rings.
Hades is the the largest of Garria's moons and almost larger than Atlantis. This world has been bought by the Korn Consortium and it is currently the focus of a large amount of activity. The planet itself was devoid of life and had a hostile hydrocarbon atmosphere, but intense terraforming efforts by the Consortium have had effect astonishingly quickly. Terraforming has reached the point where introduced vegetation and wildlife appear to be stable. Stabilisation of the climate has not been completed and it appears that it is being hampered by interference from Garria's huge magnetic field. It is not known why the Consortium has invested so much in this world, but it has been suggested that it will be used as a testing ground for the Consortium security and research divisions. You must be in possession of a Korn Consortium ident before entering the atmosphere of Hades
The smallest of the gas giants in the Timeria system at approximately the same size as Neptune. Tulphen is something of an enigma as it's orbit is inclined at nearly 20 degrees to the ecliptic plane. The reason for this abberation is unknown as the possibility of a planetary collision is remote in this area of the system.
The green-brown gas giant, Hyperion is slightly smaller than Garria and much colder. It appears to have a dramatically different chemical makeup from both Garria and Tulphen. It has been speculated that Hyperion has a heavy core of Helium 4, which requires much larger pressures and temperatures to undergo nuclear fusion. As a result, most of the moons orbiting Hyperion are cold and all but one have no atmosphere. The moons closer to Hyperion are heated by tidal forces, where the gravitational pull of Hyperion actually stretches the planets creating heat, and a few have active volcanoes.
Almost a twin of Jupiter in the Sol system, Rel-Bareth orbits Timeria at an average of 36 (Earth) AUs. It has 10 major moons but all of them are locked in permanent ice and darkness. Very little is known about this world or it's moons as the only expedition to date was the initial mapping by the Tiberius.
Information from this point is incomplete and possibly incorrect. The only information known about the ice worlds comes from the original mapping done by the Tiberius and it is quite possible that more planets may exist outside the mapped area.
The Gate Of Ice